Monday, October 17, 2011

Cheap Human Hair Extensions Already Causing Controversy!

It's official- the Jet Black Hair Extensions craze has gone beyond the tween world. Not only have grown men gotten in on the trend (see Steven Tyler on American Idol) even the fly fishing industry has it's own opinions! The issue at the center of all the hype is the demand for feathers.

Before this trend fly fishermen and tackle shops were the only consumers of specially grown rooster feathers from farms like Whiting Farms of Colorado , the largest producer in the country. Dr. Tom Whiting takes his job providing roughly 1,500 roosters a week very seriously. It's an intensly time consuming and scientific process on this farm. However he says his production numbers are always stable and since the farm produces at max capacity all the time the trend has not necessarily increased his profits or production. He says he is bemused by the trend but hopes folks appreciate all the the work that goes into his roosters. "What shocked me the most about this trend is the profit margins between manufacturer and consumer in the beauty industry. It's much, much higher than in my line of work!", says Tom. Until the trend dies down farms like Whiting will try to keep a fair balance between all of their clients needs.

Local providers of the feathers forcheap human hair extensions have had trouble keeping up with the demands of clientel. Like most trends spurred by celebrities everyone's just along for the ride. This trend is only just gaining national momentum and will likely continue throughout the year. Unfortunately alot of the emerging viewpoints have been sensationalizing the animal rights issues. While most people do not think about the enviromental concerns of their beauty habits the ones that do should know the number of animals produced for their feathers will likely NOTincrease since the farmers do not base their business models on beauty trends. Of course, like any other capitalistic venture, while consumer demand is high costs will continue to increase for both fly fisherman and fashionistas.

However things play out one thing is for sure- this will not be the strangest or most controversial beauty trend yet!

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